What is a divorce based on mutual consent grounds?
Divorces can take a long time to complete from beginning to end. In some instances, the parties can obtain an absolute divorce based on mutual consent grounds if certain requirements are met. First, there MUST be a written and signed settlement agreement that resolves all the issues including marital property, child custody, child support, alimony, and use and possession of the marital home. Second, there must also be a completed child support guidelines worksheet if child support is involved. Both parties must be satisfied with the agreement and the court must also be satisfied with the agreement. If child custody is part of the agreement, the court must be satisfied that the custody schedule is in the best interests of the minor child(ren).
A lawyer can help you draft the agreement and file the necessary paperwork with the court to help you obtain your final absolute divorce. Filing for an absolute divorce based on mutual consent grounds helps the parties avoid costly litigation and is expeditious once the agreement is drafted and signed. If you have any questions, please contact us at (443) 741-2567 and we would be happy to meet with you to answer all of your questions.