There often is a stigma associated with a prenuptial agreement. Many associated it with a lack of trust of their partner or that it is contrary to the notion of true love. While it is a taboo subject for many couples to talk about, prenuptial agreements can serve as a benefit in many ways and do not have to be one-sided.
What is a prenuptial agreement? A prenuptial agreement (often referred to as a "prenup") is a contract created by two people before they enter into a marriage. It cover items like alimony and spousal maintenance, division of property, and protection of separate property. It can also address issues of debt accumulated prior tot he marriage and ensuring that your spouse isn't responsible for paying it back in the event of divorce.
Contrary to popular belief, prenups can be beneficial to both partners. While no couple wants to think about divorce, it is better to plan and protect yourself now rather than at the time of divorce when emotions are running high. Rest assured that both partners will have a complete list of each other's assets prior to signing an agreement as that is a requirement under Maryland law. They also will each be represented by separate counsel who will help them draft, negotiate, and advise them on its terms. For additional information on prenuptial agreements, call us at (443) 741-2567 and we would be happy to answer all of your questions.