With the start of the school year underway, the changes in your children’s schedule may spark renewed discussions with you and your ex regarding changing your custody schedule. Maybe your child is starting kindergarten, or perhaps your child’s after school activities are more time consuming and you have to figure out a new pick up schedule… many new changes may have parents needing to address an existing custody arrangement or perhaps even modify it.
Below are some helpful tips to consider as you handle these changes:
Be respectful and be a good listener. The conversation and concerns will go much smoother if you approach concerns with a positive attitude.
Put your child’s needs and priorities first. If there needs to be an adjustment due to schedule or a new change and it is in your child’s best interest to do so, you should give it some serious consideration.
If you and your ex cannot come to an agreement, consider other options like mediation before resorting going to court. Litigation is the most expensive option to go through and there are other avenues to explore.
Consistency is important as it pertains to a child’s schedule. If you do come to an agreement and make some adjustments, stick to them as best as you can as to avoid constant disruption in your child’s life.
Change can be stressful but it is also manageable. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach us at (443) 741-2567 and we would be happy to meet with you to discuss your options.